Name: Jon Bowen
Major & Minor: Geography
Year Graduated:
Current Employer: Esri
Length of Employment: about 9 months
Interests and hobbies: whitewater kayaking, traveling, biking, things that keep me
What helped you decide what route to take after
graduation (i.e. graduate school or type of job)? You sort of take what you know, what you enjoy doing and
apply it to people who give you the opportunity to live off of it. I was
fortunate to have a lot of experience from internships and guiding trips that
gave me the idea of a person I wanted to be and once I found that I had made connections
to apply what I know in the way’s I find fun and amusing.
What do you think gave you an edge to get your current
position? The ability to say yes to anything and
figure out the details later. My stoke level for the things I’m doing at the
moment. Extensive internship experience.
Describe your typical day at work:
My typical day at work…well I usually get in around
8 am to a workspace that consists of no offices but a collaborative space much
like the lab at Eau Claire yet inspirationally overlooking DC. Check some emails, check Github for
updates/issues, manage all the new elements for the website, then start working
on my more exciting projects that tend to be more cartographically focused in
the am until about noon. From there on California is alive and at work so we
start to do collaborative projects on future Story Maps templates and
prototypes with the rest of our team from Redlands. Intermixed in the afternoon I tend to do my
less interesting projects which include server management and some other GIS
problems solving. On a given day I do anywhere from an ongoing set of 3-4
different projects. These may consist of some of the following;
Building custom story maps for our bigger partners
Meetings with important gov bureaus or big
Researching new story ideas to take on as personal
Creating mock-ups for prototypes/whiteboard new
Front end HTML/CSS and content website management
Wrestling server and GIS issues
Learning the latest and greatest in the industry
and javascript
Slamming coffee
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Since my position is fun, creative, inspiring, educational
etc I plan to stay at Esri until that changes.
What advice can you give to those who are still in
school? Get off your arse and do something
you enjoy. The world needs more people who enjoy their work. You’re at a
perfect time in your life to try and do literally everything until you find
something that you can jive with. Don’t waste your time on people or activities
that don’t help you making your tomorrow better than your yesterday. If your
lazy now you’ll be lazy forever so don’t expect a thing to be given to you if
that be the case. Your 4 years in college shape the rest of your 90 year
lifetime not just with your job outlook but with your social life, comfort
levels, exercise habits, etc,. Put into motion the life you envision and not
give two shits who disagrees with that, you’ll find your groove eventually and
I guarantee you if you make yourself happy the folks around you will put up the
stoke your putting down.